Tune into the Warhammer Twitch channel on Saturday for Warhammer Day Previews Online. Games Workshop be celebrating with massive reveals for a host of games. They’ll also share future Warhammer+ content.

With six game lines being highlighted there’s announcements we’re expecting. Others we’d like to see, but probably won’t. And finally, others that undoubtedly will surprise us.
Warhammer 40,000
I expect to see the next few Codex releases being highlighted as well as accompanying new miniatures. Rumors have been strong for T’au Empire to land in early 2022 as well as Chaos Space Marines
I’d like to see releases of Octarius models for 40K, but can’t really expect it. Games Workshop hasn’t even released them separately for Kill Team at this time.
I’ve read rumors of Word Bearers getting their own book. Seeing updated Khorne Berserkers and more Daemon Engines would fall into the “I’m surprised” catagory.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
With the recent arrivals of Stormcast and Kruelboyz kits the way is clear for announcing new Battletomes and teasing us with their model releases. Rumors are flying regarding Maggotkin of Nurgle, Beasts of Chaos, Ogor Mawtribes, and Gloomspite Gitz being among the first of the old books to receive updates. Hopefully, they’ll receive more love than Seraphon got in the last White Dwarf.
We’re due to a new Battlebox soon. That would make a great reveal. Rumors are pointing towards Beasts of Chaos and Spiderfang Grotz. Give me new Centigors! Freakin’ resin….
Boxed Games
Warcry has been pushing teasers for the Red Harvest expansion including the Broodmaster and Slaughterborn. Expect to see the rest of their warbands and maybe a new big box release similar to Catacombs.

Harrowdeep released last weekend. With the new season we’re going to see a rundown of new warbands and their special twists for Warhammer Underworlds.
Likewise, Blood Bowl should focus on the next few teams to hit the pitch.
Horus Heresy
Back in June a “leaked” picture of a possible Horus Heresy era boxed set made the rounds. It looked like a HUGE release.

Naturally, Warhammer day would be the perfect time to make an official announcement. Whether we get a battle box for a new game line or a stand-alone box game, ala Betrayal at Calth and Burning of Prospero, new plastics will really shake up the Forge World offerings.

The above listings show the time’s the live Blog begins worldwide. If you can’t make the Blog, Games Workshop intends to repost if shortly after the end with announcements on their Twitch channel and Warhammer Community.
Tune in next week when we’ll take a look at the best of Warhammer Day Previews.