The Codex Show introduced a number of new kits and previews of Codex Necrons and Codex Space Marines. One of the items that slipped by me in the previews was the inclusion of a new keyword in the Heavy Intercessors data sheet; Core. As in, Core Units.

Warhammer Community came to the rescue with a timely article covering Core Units. In short, Core Units are the central units in an army around which the force revolves. This doesn’t always mean Troops. Both Elite and Fast Attack units include Core Units. Examples include Space Marine Terminator Squads, Space Marine Bike Squads, Necron Lychguard, and Necron Tomb Blades. Depending on the Codex, even vehicles will receive a Core keyword.
At the same time, many of the most powerful aura abilities will only be able to affect units with the Core keyword. For instance, the Rites of Battle found on Space Marine Captains reads;

Consequently, you won’t see many Captains lurking in the backfield with the artillery, but leading their battle brothers closer to the front.
Additionally, Characters won’t be cross-buffing each other with Core keyword abilities. That 2+ WS will have to suffice. However, it still makes sense to put them in close proximity so they both buff Core Units.
At the moment, only with the release of a new Codex will units gain the Core keyword and aura abilities shift. Codices released relatively recently will still be able to exploit cross buffing and camping in the rear. Enjoy it while it lasts!
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