This weekend, Saturday, September 12th, Games Workshop posts the W40k Codex Preview on Twitch. Like their August Preview Show, Games Workshop blocks 15 minutes for the previews followed with a Live Blog. The preview focuses on Codex: Necrons and Codex Space Marines for 9th Edition.

Also, Games Workshop promises a few more miniature reveals. Will these be a closer look at the four units for each army they’ve already teased, see them below. Perhaps we’ll see something from the next Codex in line. There’s only one way to find out. Tune in!

If you’re in the US, plan to rise early Saturday for The Codex Show. Especially if you plan to participate in the live blog. Otherwise, catch it in syndication at Warhammer Community. Find your time zone on the chart below.

What do you expect from the W40k Codex Preview? It is certain we’ll see new stat pages and Crusade details from both codices. I expect to learn more concerning the models that have already been teased. Finally, I hope we’ll see a splash page or two with Chapter Traits and Relics.
On to wish-listing! I’d like to see some as yet unrevealed Necron models or give us a glimpse at models in the Codex after these two. While Necrons have already been shown a heaping helping of love this release cycle, there are still holes in their lineup that could use filling. Of course, a look further out at a model or two for the next Codex would start the next cycle of excitement. And reassure the fans that every Codex arriving is getting a selection of new units.
Now, the releases date for everything they are showing will be October or later. CMO Games preorders go up the Saturday before release. Check back later for availability and prices.
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