Wizards of the Coast adds a new booster type to their lineup with Zendikar Rising, the Set Booster. Where other are aimed at Limited players, collectors, or new players, the Set Booster aims to be fun and surprising. They are filled with a variety of different cards and chances for big draws. We’re going to dig in and take a look.

Unlike the more familiar draft booster, the Set Booster is laid out in chapters designed to make opening the pack an experience. They divided it into chapters with excitement and surprises building the further into the Set Booster you dig.

Chapter 1 – Welcome
The Welcome builds slowly. The Set Booster’s very first card is an art card with more information on the back. Five (5%) percent of these will be gold-stamped signature cards. The second card is a Zendikar basic land, always in demand, with fifteen (15%) of these being foils.

Next in the Set Booster comes cards 3 through 8. These are a series of connected commons and uncommons. Cards of the same rarity will share some connection with adjacent cards of the same rarity. This connection might be story elements, creature type, cards that play well together, and other themes. Part of the fun is figuring out the connections. Also, unlike a Draft booster, the rarity of the cards are not set. You might get 1 Uncommon and 5 Commons or all 6 might be Uncoomon. Wizards of the Coast provided a distribution for this section.
35% chance of 5 Commons and 1 Uncommon
40% chance of 4 Commons and 2 Uncommons
12.5% chance of 3 Commons and 3 Uncommons
7% chance of 2 Commons and 4 Uncommons
3.5% chance of 1 Common and 5 Uncommons
2% chance of 6 Uncommons
Chapter 2 – Fireworks
The Set Booster catches on fire with the next three cards. Card 9 is going to be a Common or Uncommon, but it is either a showcase version or a card featuring cool setting elements. Cards 10 and 11 are Wildcard Rarity slots. Any rarity could appear here. In addition, both Rare and Mythic Rare cards have a chance of being showcase versions. Wizards of the Coast’s distribution for cards 10 and 11 are shown here. Note that Rare in the chart could be either a rare or Mythic rare.
49% Common/Common
24.5% Common/Uncommon
17.5% Common/Rare
3.1% Uncommon/Uncommon
4.3% Uncommon/Rare
1.6% Rare/Rare
Chapter 3 – Big Finish
The Big Finish to a Set Booster gives the player locked in goodies over and above the ones you have already pulled. Card 12 is a Rare or Mythic Rare. If you missed out earlier, here’s your value card. However, Zendikar Rising raises the odds of drawing that Mythic from 1-in-8 to 1-in-7.4. Wizards of the Coast is also making the odds change with Draft Boosters. Meanwhile, card 13 in a foil card of any rarity. Even if you missed a chance of a foil earlier, you will get one here.
Chapter 4 – Epilogue
The last card, #14, is going to be a ad or token card 75% of the time. In the remaining 25% of packs, you will experience the last surprise from a Set Booster. This card is from The List.

The List? Wizards of the Coast has culled through the 27-year history of Magic: the Gathering and created a list of 300 interesting cards. These cards will be in the same proportion as regular cards with respect to common-uncommon-rare-mythic rare and will appear as they originally did, but with a small Planeswalker symbol on the lower left. Also, The List will stay relatively constant over time with only subtle changes to reflect the set where they appear.
When can we get them?
Set boosters will first be available at Zendikar Rising Prereleases in September. Each participant will get a free Set Booster, while supplies last, for playing. Check them out then and let Wizards of the Coast know what you think.
After the Prerelease, Set Boosters will be available for sale at all your FLGS. The price point for a Set Booster will be about a dollar higher than a regular booster, displays will only contain 30 packs, and only English and Japanese language versions will be available.

Get more information regarding the design and plans for Zendikar Rising Set Boosters from Mark Rosewater at Making Magic
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