The Dead and the Divine Online Review

This weekend Games Workshop streamed a new online preview, The Dead and the Divine. Like previous online previews, Decadence & Decay being the latest, we’re receiving glimpses of exciting new models, books, and games, but not much in terms of pricing or launch dates. So, whet your appetite on these teasers and we’ll let you know when the meal is ready.

As you could glean from the header, the first preview covers the Divine with the Sisters of Battle. We’d already seen a new 2021 release with the Palatine in our Piety & Pain preview. Now, we’re looking at the Paragon Warsuit.

Paragon Warsuit

I eyeball the sister’s actual legs ending above the knee of the Warsuit which makes the whole model 75% to 90% larger than a regular sister. We’re probably looking at a 50mm base for the model. She’s freaking big. Hopefully she’ll have a Toughness and Wounds to match

The Paragon Warsuit shown appears to bear a multimelta, a pair of shoulder mounted storm bolters, and one big power sword. Other models seen in passing in the video shows other Warsuits with the Sisters of Battle traditional heavy weapons; heavy flamer and heavy bolter.

The kit appears to come with a variety of melee weapons as well. In addition to the power sword, a large power mace is clearly visible on one model. The third model’s weapon is just out of the shot. Are we getting something new for the sister’s armory?

The shoulder mounted secondary weapons, a pair of storm bolters, look to be present on the main model and one from the video. The third model however, sports three warheads on each side. Could this be a variant of the fragstorm or krakstorm grenade launchers? It would be very exciting to see some crosspollination of Imperial weaponry, the one of the first since the Primaris arrived.

Kill Team – Pariah Nexus

Next up, Kill Team returns with a large boxed set, Pariah Nexus. we knew from earlier sneaks that Kill Team would start following the Warhammer 40,000 story line, but I had expected a set of smaller expansions and a seperate rulebook. Instead, we’re looking something similar to Kill Team – Rogue Trader with scenario rulebooks, boards, scatter / themed terrain, and two sides. Fortunately, the sides are not bespoke.

The force decisions look like an odd choice since we’re looking at Arena style boards. The Heavy Intercessors are dedicated long range troops and boards like that do not favor them. However, Flayed Ones don’t have much in the way of AP to counter the high marine saves. We’ll have to see what abilities their Commaders bring to the table and any new tactics.

Space Marine Primaris Captain and Heavy Intercessor Sergeant
Heavy Intercessors; Heavy Bolter and Heavy Bolt Rifle
Heavy Intercessors with Heavy Bolt Rifles

Our hosts in The Dead and the Divine video shared that rules for units included in Indominus also appear in the Pariah Nexus book. If you have Indominus or the various starter editions, you’ll have more flexibility with these and future Kill Team scenarios.

Necron Chronomancer
Flayed Ones unit

Now, I know the units shown are desperately wanted by regular Warhammer 40,000 players. Ever since the release of Codex: Space Marines players have been asking when Heavy Intercessors would arrive. Likewise for Necrom players, demand for Crypteks and Flayed Ones has been high. While this will be their first appearance, it was said they would be released separately “soon”. I would hope no later than the end of the same quarter.

Adeptus Titanicus

Let’s move from small scale conflict to the largest struggle the galaxy has ever seen, the Horus Heresy. Adeptus Titanicus captures the largest battle of this period with some of the smallest, large miniatures currently available.

Behold, the Warmaster Titan.

Standing taller than the mighty Warlord Titan, The Warmaster bears a pair of plasma destructors and a revelator missile launcher. An additional two shoulder mounts carry smaller, but still deadly weapons.

JanPreview Jan23 AT Content1d
JanPreview Jan23 AT Content2o

Accompanying the release of the Warmaster, Adeptus Titanicus receives Loyalist Legios. This tome covers a range of loyalist specific Titan upgrades, Strategems, and wide selection of lore.

Don’t worry herectics, your book will be arriving soon after the release of this one. Horus and his allies will get what’s coming to them in time.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Next in The Dead and the Divine, we’ll shift from the grim far future of our galaxy to the World That Was. Enter the Mortal Realms during the Age of Sigmar.

Last year, 2020, Games Workshop unveiled the Lumineth Realm-lords. This year, they continue to expand the range.

Earlier in the month, Warhammer Community teased some very fantastical archer cavalry with the Hurakan Windchargers. Resembling nothing so much as kangaroos, the treerunner mounts continue to push the oddities of the Mortal Realms.

Furthering the high weirdness is the Varani Lord Regent. With a bovine face, horns, clawed paws and a long tuffed tail, the Lord’s mount resembles a mix of bovine and great cat. Strange choices from GW, but they have the skills to make this model work,

Now for The Dead and the Divine, we got something even stranger.

Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind

This is Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind, a strange fox-like creature borne aloft by the wind spirits of Hysh. With a similar floating design we’ve seen on the Celestant-Prime, Nagash, C’Tan Shard of the Void Dragon, Sevireth promises to be a high powered Hero. He embodies the force of the winds (aka air) as Avalenor, The Stone King did for the mountains (earth). Will we see a whole line of elemental themed Heroes?

We’ll know more when the next Broken Realms appears. Teclis always has a plan. This time he’s taking the Soul Wars straight to Nagash! We’ll see the storyline advance alongside new warscrolls for Lumineth Realm-lords units, and new warscroll battalions for a host of factions. You’ll see the battalions for Lumineth Realm-lords, naturally, Cities of Sigmar, Maggotkin of Nurgle, Flesh-eater Courts, and Ossiarch Bonereapers.

But what about Morathi? The last Broken Realms ended with her “apotheosis”. With that success, alongside the conquest of Anvilguard, we should be seeing greatly expanded rules in a new Battletome: Daughters of Khain. And here it is!

Alongside the Battletome, we’ll be seeing Daughters of Khaine Endless Spells for the first time. As you’d expect blood, more blood, and serpents made of blood make up the contents for this Endless Spells box.


Whose up for more blood? It’s this pale looking set of Soulblights.

Four vampires, very reminiscent of their Old World kin, for The Crimson Court. A warband that rewards highly aggressive tactics, they are held back by their need to “control their hunger”. If not fed properly, their aggressive play leads to heavy penalties.

Warhammer Quest

With the successful end of Warhammer Quest – Blackstrone Fortress we return to the Mortal Realms. Here, heroes attempt to overturn the dominion of the dead in Ulfenkarn.

With a revised and refined rules set, Warhammer Quest – Cursed City promised another nail biting expedition into the unknown. Will you join them?

While Gams Workshop says the release of Cursed City is still many weeks away, they have revealed two of the fantastic models in the game. One of our heroes and a scion of evil.

Jelsen Darrock, vampire hunter
Gorslav the Gravekeeper

More of the cast, setting, and game details are set to appear on Cursed City in the near future. Tune in.

Thank you for reading our coverage of The Dead and the Divine. CMO Games will list all these items in preorders as they become available to us.

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