The Tactical Squad once formed the backbone of Space Marine armies. In ninth edition they have a great deal of competition from specialized Primaris squads. However, they still have a variety of strengths their newer battle brothers lack.
We’re going over the Tactical squad today to show the strengths to newer players. Let’s take an in depth look.

Tactical Squad – Ups & Downs
Space Marine Tactical Squads use the same building blocks as Primaris troop choices. You’ll start with a 5 man squad and may upgrade to 10 marines. Power Levels are identical to most of the Primaris troops and your per model points are the lowest in the troops section.
However, in straight stats they lag just a bit behind the Primaris as they have only one Attack. Likewise, their primary armament, the boltgun, only reaches out to 24 inches with Rapid Fire 1. The Primaris comparable weapon, the bolt rifle, reaches out to 30 inches with Rapid Fire 1 and has a point of AP as a bonus.
Secret Superpower – More Options
So, why pick the Tactical Marine squad? Their strength comes from the wide variety of heavy weapons, special weapons, pistols, and melee weapons they use to customize the squad.
A full ten man Tactical squad may include a heavy weapon and a special weapon. Their sergeant, likewise, may select from the pistols, combi-weapons and melee weapons list. We’ll be going over the various selections, but they put a great deal of versatility in your squad.
Now, a smaller squad does get the sergeant weapon options, but may only choose either a heavy or special weapon, but not both. The Space Marine Tactical Squad box set has 10 marines, so it would be easy to build two 5 man squads and double up on the sergeant options. That is a perfectly valid choice for Power Level play, but you may find yourself wanting when fully using points. A second tactical squad box, however, does give you all the marines to bring both squads up to full.
Heavy Weapons Selection
For heavy weapons, only the missile launcher is included in the Tactical box. For the rest of these high power options you’ll have to grab a copy of the Devastator Squad which has 2 each of the heavy weapons. Heavy weapons are large, unwieldy devices with the Heavy rate of fire.
Missile Launcher: Without a doubt the most common Space Marine heavy infantry weapon due to being in every kit since at least third edition. The humble missile launcher fills a versatile hole in your armory. Krak missiles work well at engaging vehicles, monsters, and multi-wound models. Meanwhile, the frag missile increases your attacks against hordes by a D6 or more with Blast.
Heavy bolter: Another very common weapon from Warhammer 40,000’s past, heavy bolters have been given a new lease on life in 9th. Their damage has increased this edition to 2. This, once again allows them to engage all low and mid range targets. Any unsaved wounds also kill both regular and Primaris marines in standard armors.
Lascannon: The primary Imperial anti-tank weapon, lascannons still excel in that role. Strength 9 gives you a 3+, or better, to wound everything on the battlefield. High AP then makes that wound stick. Lascannons, still fit to purpose.
Multi-melta: Another classic given a new lease on life, multi-meltas excel at anti-everything work due to high strength, AP wounds, and improved rate of fire. Their limited range was increased for ninth, making them even deadlier on the cluttered battlefields of 40K.
Plasma cannon: Formerly the premiere anti-marine weapon, plasma cannons have an increased role on the tabletop. High strength, AP, and blast permit you to engage all but the toughest of targets. Supercharging lets you go after Toughness 8, but at a risk. The only drawback to this choice is a random rate of fire, D3.
Grav-cannon: The newest weapon in the Tactical marine arsenal, grav-cannons are now the premiere anti-marine and equivalent weapon. While a little shorter ranged than a heavy bolter, grav-cannons make up with improved rate of fire, strength, and AP. Also, when they attack a model with a 3+ or better save, their Damage increases to 2.
Special Weapons Selection
Space Marines use a selection of rifle sized, but more powerful, special weapons in their squads.
Flamer: Your premier assault weapon, flamers may be fired even when advancing and always hit. Their only drawbacks being a 12 inch range and your constant desire to squeeze another grav-gun into your list. Flamers also make the perfect overwatch weapon due to the whole auto-hit thing.
Grav-gun: Still great at killing marines and other heavy armor opponents, grav-guns limited range may make the plasma gun more attractive. However, you’re unlikely to lose the model on a 1 with a grav-gun.
Meltagun: Just the gun for packing more anti-tank firepower into a squad. As an Assault 1 weapon, meltaguns even make up for their 12 inch range with your marine’s movement and advance roll.
Plasma gun: Among the most sought after special weapons in prior editions, plasma guns freely engaged a whole gamut of foes. With eighth edition they became even better as it could be fired on standard at Strength 7 without the chance of losing your marine.
Tying Weapons to Roles
Important questions for every Space Marine commanders revolve around tasks and foes. They are;
Who am I expecting to fight against?
How do they equip themselves?
What role does this squad play in my battleplan?
Who am I expecting to fight against? This question concerns your opposing player and the Codex they bring to the battle. In groups of friends you’ll already have a good idea of this. Mitchell might only have Necrons, while Tony brings Orks, and Chris has played Astra Militarum since the dawn of time. You’ll want to choose weapons based on this knowledge. Against Mitchell, you’ll be proffering anti-tank and marine style weapons like plasma, melta, grav, lascannons, and so on. Against Tony, you’ll want flamers, heavy bolters, and missiles. Chris, well that’s a harder call.
How do they equip themselves? What collection of models does your opponent have and what do they like to bring to the table. Back to Chris, he’s got enough tanks to fill a parking lot and around 150 guardsmen. While balanced weapon choices would seem best, flamers and heavy bolters for his infantry, las and melta for the tanks, you’re out some firepower if he only brings one extreme or another. You’ll want to outfit with weapons that can swing at either set of targets. Missile launchers and plasma fill that position.
What role does this squad play in my battleplan? Finally, how will you use your troops once they enter play. Units intended to hold back field objectives or form part of a firebase need long ranged weapons. Units intended to move forward want to carry Assault or Rapid Fire weapons. Shorter ranged heavy weapons also get consideration since they usually trade range for rate of fire. Of course, a full strength Tactical squad may use their Combat Squad Deployment Ability to split themselves up with each part having one weapon dedicated to their particular role!
Where’s Sarge?
Sorry folks, this is running a bit long for today. I’ll be back soon to discuss your sergeants options. The choices made for the sergeant of a Tactical squad are very similar to those made for other original marine squads. You’ll see how it applies across the board to Assault and Devastator squads as well.
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