Few vehicles are more ubiquitous and recognized than the Space Marine Rhino. Starting as a very cheap Dedicated Transport, the Rhino hull forms the basis of a host of more specialized vehicles. Time to take a short look a this workhorse from Codex: Space Marines.
Dedicated Transport, Rhino

The basic chassis from which all other descend, the Space Marine Rhino fills the role of APC for standard marines. They have a transport capacity of 10, but may not take anything but a basic marines. Units with Jump Packs, terminators, centurions, Primaris, and wulfen may not use this vehicle. Still, between a 12 Move and advancing, it gets them from point A to point B in relative safety. Armament is light, only a storm bolter, with optional second storm bolter and a single hunter-killer missile. Don’t expect for it to win any fights by itself.
With 9th Edition’s transport rules you’ll have to plan well. Units embarked are only able to disembark if the Rhino has not moved yet this turn and the transport is unengaged. You’ll need to position your Rhino near where you want to drop the troops, but far enough away to avoid an enemy charge. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait till next turn. Alternately, you can hope the enemy destroys your transport. Your surviving troops jump out of the wreckage!
Dedicated Transport, Razorback

Another troops carrier, the Razorback trades transport capacity for weapons. Think of the Razorback as an IFV, not only does it get your troops from point A to point B, but it has the weapons to join them in the fight. Razorbacks only carry 6 models and share the same restrictions as the Rhino.
The stock armament of a twin heavy bolter works well against most infantry. With 2 Damage per unsaved wound, even marines dread heavy bolter shots. Optionally, Razorbacks replace their twin heavy bolters with either twin assault cannons or twin lascannons. The assault cannons with 12 shots work wonders against single wound hordes such as Orks or lesser Tyranids. The lascannons provide your vehicle with some tank hunting capability and put down heavy infantry.
Heavy Support Variants
From these humble beginnings, the Space Marine Rhino branches out into a variety of heavy support roles. Over time, Rhino variants have served as light tanks, self-propelled guns, artillery, and anti-aircraft platforms. Each one also has the Rhino’s standard option of adding a storm bolter and a single hunter-killer missile for when you have points to spare.
Predator, Light Tanks
While not classified as a light tank by Codex: Space Marines, what else would you call a turreted, tracked vehicle based on an APC chassis. With 7 Toughness, just like the Rhino, Predators remain vulnerable to Strength 4 or better weapons. Even a bolter squad wounds on 5+. However, Predators retain a 12 Move allowing them to keep up with fast moving assaults. The Predator comes in two varieties; the Destructor and Annihilator.

Destructors mount the Predator autocannon. With Strength 7, 2D3 shots, and 3 Damage, the autocannon does respectable work against heavy infantry squads nd multi-wound targets. The light AP, only -1, limits effectiveness against good armor saves. You’ll want to concentrate on targets with a 4+ or worse save. Optional upgrades include either a pair of heavy bolters or lascannons in remote sponsons. Since you’re already planning on engaging light targets the heavy bolters are the best choice to optimize the Destructor.

Annihilators hunt bigger game. They mount a twin lascannon in their turret and have the same optional sponsons as the Destructor. Go with lascannons all around to rip apart tanks and massive creatures. Their -3 AP means most successful wounds will get through.
Whirlwind, Mobile Artillery

Armed with a missile array, Whirlwinds combine a high rate of fire with indirect fire with blast for engaging larger infantry units. With this combination of traits Whirlwinds find themselves hiding towards the back of your deployment zone behind a much cover as you can find. They tend not to move until the enemy finally gets a line of sight on them.
Whirlwinds have a choice between the vengeance launcher or the castellan launcher. Vengeance launchers has a lower rate of fire, 2D3, but support better Strength, AP and Damage. Use the vengeance variant for heavier infantry, especially those with 2+ wounds. Meanwhile the castellan, roars out 2D6 shots, but at lower Strength, no AP, and only 1 Damge. Select the castellan when your facing large single wound units; Orks, Guard, and such.
Vindicator, Self-Propelled Gun

With the Vindicator, the basic chassis of the Rhino begins to show improvement. While a bit slower, a 10 Move, the ruggedized hull raises Toughness to 8. At this point, most small arms, bolters and such, need a 6+ to wound. The Vindicator desperately needed the upgrade because it wants to get close.
Vindicators mount a short ranged, 24 inches, demolisher cannon. This large bore siege gun shatters targets with a 10 Strength and D6 Damage. The high AP makes sure the wounds goes through any armor. The addition of Blast allows Vindicators to effectively engage squads as well as single targets.
Vindicators frequently appear with a thick, armored dozer blade. Known as the Vindicator Siege Shield, units add one to their armor saves against ranged attacks. Take it.
Hunter and Stalker, Anti-Air
Another up armored Rhino variant, both the Hunter and the Stalker specialize in engaging aircraft. Except for their weapon suites, they are identical with the same Move (10), Toughness (8), and degrading stat lines.

The Hunter mounts a Skyspear missile launcher. Larger than standard Imperial krak missiles, the Skyspear missile launcher engages targets out to 60 inches. Skyspears also have the same Strength, AP, and Damage you’ll wind on a lascannon. While only single shot, this profile improves dramatically against aircraft. When a Skyspear targets an aircraft, it adds two to that attack roll and the resulting damage increases to 1D6+6.

Now, the Stalker mounts an array of smaller guns instead of a missile system. The Icarus stormcannon shares the profile of an autocannon, but fires three times. Each Stalker mounts two of them in the turret. Alone, this makes the Stalker a valid anti-personnel vehicle. When engaging aircraft, each attack generates 2 to hit rolls instead of one. Each of those rolls then adds 1 to hit. Against incoming bombers a Stalker will throw out 12 Strength 7, Damage 2 shots.
This covers the width and breath of the Space Marine Rhino as found in the current Codex: Space Marines. There have been many more variants of the Rhino designed by Forge World, Some are still in production, while others have faded into closets around the world. Maybe you’ll see some of them in the wild.
Vehicles shown above with links in their title are available from CMO Games and your FLGS. The others have been pulled from retail or combined with another kit. Games Workshop offers them as part of their Available to Order (ATO) program, so your FLGS might be able to special order it for you.
The Rhino has a kit listed on GW’s webstore, but it makes both the Rhino and Razorback. Leave the back hull roof unglued. You can then freely swap the Rhino’s hatch and the Razorback’s turret ring.
The Whirlwind is currently pulled from retail, but is available through GW or your local store if they use the ATO program.
The Hunter and Stalker share a kit. It too has been pulled from retail. GW offers it online or through their ATO program to local stores.
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