As the year grows colder and darker, an evil eye descends upon us. Some will run, some fight, and others despair. Not so for the Slaves of Darkness as they welcome the arrival of their Dark Gods. That’s right, November 5th, the new Slaves to Darkness Army Set arrives for preorder. Lets look at some of the blessings of Chaos contained therein.
The Army Set features your first chance to get the new Battletome, updated warscroll cards, and a selection of new miniatures. Here we have new sculpts for the Daemon Prince, 10 Chaos Warriors, and 3 Ogroid Theridons ( a totally new unit).
Warhammer Community provides an assortment of videos showing off the new kits.
Daemon Prince
Our new Daemon Prince revels in the gifts of chaos. You’ll have options to honor any of the four Chaos Gods and an assortment of death dealing weapons. They’re also significantly better proportioned than the old Prince! While the release occurs in an AoS box, this model also has options to create your own 40K Chaos Marine Daemon Prince.
Chaos Warriors
Chaos Warriors form the elite core of any Slaves to Darkness force. With heavy armor, shields, and a choice between halberds and hand weapons, they form a durable, hard hitting block. The Army Set includes 10 Warriors on foot to expend your Slaves to Darkness force.
An added not from Warhammer Community indicates the Chaos Knights, currently only in the Start Collecting! box, will have a separate release soon.
Ogroid Therions
Formerly only available as single models, such as the Myrmidon and Thaumaturge, three Theridons form the core of a unit of shock infantry. They’re move fast and strike hard. For a heavier hitter, chose a mighty two-handed axe or stick with sword and shield for some extra staying power. I can only hope my Doombulls look half as cool when Beasts of Chaos gets a refresh.
Battletome, Warscrolls, and Rules
Of course, no Army Set would be complete without a limited edition Battletome and Warscroll cards.
![Slaves to Darkness products included limited cover Battletome and Warscroll cards.](
Or a set of rules sneaks in the final days running up to preorder. Here we see some of the rules for Warriors and Ogroid Therions.
While only dealing two attacks, Chaos Warriors have many ways to increase that.
To start, Bringers of Desolation adds one once you’ve crossed the board or assaulted an objective.
Follow up with Heralds of Ruination to fight again.
Rend -1 gives a slight edge against heavily armored foes.
You might worry about Damage 1. However, with a 3+Save, they’ll stay in the fray for a long time. Deal death with a thousand cuts!
Finally, the Eye of the Gods is upon them. Any unit with the Eye of the Gods keyword rolls on a table after destroying an enemy Hero or Monster, or seizes a controlled objective. As in the past, the favor of Dark Gods is mercurial. Good things, bad things, and in between occur.
While Eye of the Gods appears on Heroes, The Mark of Chaos Undivided adds it to all Mortal and Ogroid Slaves to Darkness units. Undivided Heroes get a re-roll of any 1 of their dice while whole units add two to their rolls. Your expensive units won’t fall to spawndom and even heroes get a chance to skip that fate. Unless Tzeentch decides to mess with your dice. They’re a sore loser, like that.
You’ll find the Slaves to Darkness Army Set in our preorder section this weekend. After release on November 12th all remaining stock moves into the Eightpoints with Archaeon and the Everchosen.
Original posting of images, video, and rules can be found on Warhammer Community.
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