Going to have to thank the Adeptus Administratum scribners at Warhammer Community for the excellent video introduction to playing Kill Team. Three short videos provide a broad overview of the rules of engagement featuring turn structure and game play. Let’s take a quick look! Open each video to full screen for best viewing.
Rules of Engagement: Getting Started
Getting Started walks through the datacards and statistics. As seen previously, the stats may have familiar names, but they work in completely different ways!
Rules of Engagement: Initiative and Strategy
Next up, they look at Initiative and Strategy Phases. Initiative Phases are simple in structure, going to the attacker in the first turn and rolling off there after. The Strategy Phase introduces a host of choices as Kill Teams accrue command points and spent them on various ploys. Strategic Ploys only function in this phase. Specific Triggers, such as die rolls, permit operatives to use a Tactical Ploy. Within the turn, Ploys are single use. Additionally, players reveal secondary objectives, called Tac Ops, in the Strategic Phase. Your opponent has some chance to counter them in play!
Rules of Engagement: Firefight Phase
The last phase, the Firefight Phase, is the meatiest video of this series. Importantly, the video covers Conceal vs Engage order allowing actual stealth operations! They follow with movement, shooting, charges, and fight actions. Even with the large Wound counts of shown models, combat resolves quickly and messily.
Rules of Engagement: Release
Kill Team: Octarius goes on order August 14th and releases two weeks later, August 28th. CMO Games will have stocks of the launch box and limited amounts of the Core Book and Compendium available. We expect them to go quickly.

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