We’re back for more previews of Kill Team with Rules of Engagement 2. Today, we’re looking at how you recruit a Kill Team for play. Games Workshop looks to be going with more of a Warhammer Underworlds vibe than old Kill Team and Warcry. For instance, Kill Teams come with a preset number of operatives, fire team choices and a limited selection of options.
Kill Team Operatives

We have the full list of Operatives for the Kommandos in Kill Team Octarius .

As you can see, you’ll get a Kommando Nob and 9 other Operatives chosen from the list to take into battle. All Operatives, except for the Kommando Boy are limited to one each.
Kill Team Match Roster
Also, just like the original game, you’ll be able to build a roster of up to 20 Operatives. Pick the ones you’ll need for any particular mission, within the Operative constraints above, and you’re good to go. The Krieg roster shows 18 Operatives with 14 different specialists and 4 Troopers.

Fire Teams
Some factions will be limited to a single Operative list while others may select from multiple Operative lists. The sub-lists are called Fire Teams. For example, the Imperial Guard may field 2 fire teams, Guardsman or Tempestus Scion.

Similar to the Kommando Operative list, this Guardsman list lets you take 7 Operatives. You’re only allowed one of each specialist. The remainder of the fire team may be made up of Guardsman Troopers. Interestingly, it appears you’ll be able to select a leader from either fire team, but only one for the whole Kill Team.
Also, this listing has an ARCHETYPE. We may see multiple Guardsman fire teams with different compositions under different Archetype keywords. Only future reveals and the Kill Team launch will give us an answer.
The number of members in a fire team will be bsed on the relative strength of the Operatives. Kommandos come in at 10. One Guardsman fire team is 7, but the faction brings two fire teams to a mission. Likewise, we’re told Death Guard has the choice of two fire teams, taking 8 Poxwalkers or 3 Plague Marines. The important question will be, how many fire teams do I get in a Death Guard Kill Team?
Kill Team Compendium
That brings us to the big book of factions, Kill Team Compendium!

Set to release simultaneously with Kill Team Octarius, the Compendium will have nearly every faction in 40K represented with data cards, fire teams, and rosters. Just about the only groups not represented are Imperial and Chaos Knights!
Kill Team Data Cards
We’ve had three more cards leak from Games Workshop; Poxwalker, Dire Avenger, and Custodian Guard.

From these cards, we can see there are more actions than previously revealed. Poxwalkers, being mindless, have difficulty with “mission actions” and the Pick Up action. Overwatch will be an action and Dire Avengers excel at it.
Meanwhile, the Custodian Guard shows us how nasty an elite trooper will get with 4 actions, a 2+ save, and 18 Wounds! Oh, and a Storm Shield… At least there’s only two of them in a fire team.
That’s a Wrap
Check out the basic rules of play in Rules of Engagement for Kill Team Octarius.
Then scroll down to the Explore Factions part of the new Kill Team website to see who is coming to Octarius. Each faction has a click through section showing the different Operatives available to them.
For instance, Craftworlds Dire Avengers may be joined by Defender Guardians, Storm Guardians, and Rangers. Expect each to deploy as a separate fire team.
Till next time!
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