Warhammer Community shared teasers for Warhammer 40,000 Starter Sets a few weeks back. I had a breakdown of the contents based on those photos. Now, Games Workshop has them, and a few items more, up for sale as preorders for August 15th, 2020. I thought I would preform a quick run through and approximate valuation of the contents.
I’ll be using $35.00 for any character models. It is the new flat rate for clamshelled characters this year. Other items will be based on their closest match theme-wise.

Warhammer 40,000 Recruit Edition $50.00 MSRP
The Recruit Edition includes 20 miniatures and all the bits to start playing with them.
$35.00 Royal Warden
$40.00 10 Necron Warriors and 3 Scarabs, equivalent to the old warriors box.
$35.00 Primaris Lieutenant
$30.00 5 Assault Intercessors, half a box of any other Primaris marines
Value $140.00, an estimated savings of $90.00

Warhammer 40,000 Elite Edition $99.00 MSRP
The Elite Edition ships with 27 miniatures, a slightly more involved rules booklet and the other accessories shown.
$35.00 Overlord
$40.00 10 Necron Warriors and 3 Scarabs, equivalent to the old warriors box.
$50.00 3 Skorpekh Destroyers, priced based on regular Destroyers
$35.00 Primaris Lieutenant
$30.00 5 Assault Intercessors, half a box of any other Primaris marines
$40.00 3 Outriders, based on SM Bike Squad, I actually expect Outriders to be in the $50 to $60 range.
Value $230.00, an estimated savings of $131.00

Warhammer 40,000 Command Edition $165.00 MSRP
Yes, the Command Edition contains no additional figures, but it has a pair of high priced extra value items (Core Rules & Terrain), an even longer Command manual, and the accessories shown.
$65.00 Warhammer 40,000 Core Rules
$90.00 terrain and a hard gaming board, this is identical to the Warhammer 40,000 Command Eidition Battlefield Expansion Set
$35.00 Overlord
$40.00 10 Necron Warriors and 3 Scarabs, equivalent to the old warriors box.
$50.00 3 Skorpekh Destroyers, priced based on regular Destroyers
$35.00 Primaris Lieutenant
$30.00 5 Assault Intercessors, half a box of any other Primaris marines
$40.00 3 Outriders, based on SM Bike Squad, I actually expect Outriders to be in the $50 to $60 range.
Value $385.00, an estimated savings of $220.00

Each of the Paint Sets contains 6 colors in 12ml pots ($27.30 value), a starter brush (call it $7.50), and 3 Easy to Build models ($15.00 based off of previous ETB kits. Note: one of the colors in each of the sets is a Shade usually only available in a larger bottle)
Space Marines: Assault Intercessors + Paints Set $35.00 MSRP
Necrons: Warriors + Paints Set $35.00 MSRP
Value $49.80, an estimated savings of $14.80

Warhammer 40,000: Paints + Tools Set $45.00 MSRP
13 colors of paint in 12ml pots ($59.15), a starter brush ($7.50), Starter Set Clippers (~$17.50), and Starter Set Mouldline Scrapper (~$9.00). Both the Clipers and Scrapper are smaller than the regular tools be GW and have been valued at half price.
Value 93.15, an estimated savings of $48.15

Warhammer 40,000 Command Edition Battlefield Expansion Set $90.00
12 push fit scenery pieces featuring 2 large Ruins, 2 small Ruins, a massive Thermo-exchanger Shrine, and 7 sections of pipes. Plus a 22.4″ x 30″ foldable, double-sided gaming board.
I expect this to be the new terrain kit standard. The board should be valued at $25.00 (half the Battlezone: Manufactorum Battlefield price) leaving $65.00 for the value of the ruins and piping. While I had hoped for taller terrain, this provides scatter and fits in with GW’s other offerings.
What purchases you make really depends on what the goal is. For a completely new player, you can’t beat the Recruit Edition for the price point. Players who’ve already got the Core Rules would want to grab the savings of the Elite Edition. The Command Edition is the all in level for returning players or determined new players. After all, who doesn’t need more terrain?
If you think you’d like Warhammer 40,000, but aren’t sure about the hobby aspect, the paint sets are for you. They’ll let you play with a few models and get a good feel for painting.
The Paints & Tools set is a great add-on for any of the Warhammer 40,000 Starter Sets, providing new players with the paints they’ll need for the models they just bought.
Finally, the Command Edition Battlefield Expansion is a nice bundle of new terrain that will fit in well with any Sector Mechanicus kits. However, it is cheaper to buy the Command Edition than the Elite + Battlefield Expansion. I’d view it as a later add-on once you’d been playing for awhile.
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