What does an HQ do?
In addition to providing command abilities and modifiers to your units, Primaris Marine HQ characters excel in melee combat. Games Workshop has produced a great number of HQs. However, they mostly fall into the five broad ranks indicated below.
Please note, Games Workshop has tightly controlled weapons options on HQ models by selling models with only one set of options. So make sure you’re getting the weapons and armor you want when buying your models.
Choosing your Primaris Marine HQs
The vast majority of Detachments you’ll build an army around require at least 1, and some more, HQs. While I’ll be going into greater detail further down, your rule of thumb for Primaris Marine HQ is as follows;
1. Captains and Lieutenants boost your infantry, bikers, and dreadnaughts. They should always be taken first
2. Librarians come next. The Psychic Phase has become even more important in 9th Edition and you want to be able to act in it on your turn. Plus, Librarians are your only choice if you want to counter your oponent’s psychic powers. Don’t let them have unfettered access to powers!
3. Techmarines and Chaplains arrive last. While very good at what they do, they are specialized or overshadowed by other choices in this section.
Heroic Leaders, Primaris Captains

Primaris Captain and Primaris Captain in Phobos Armor
Using their Rites of Battle units within 6 inches reroll to hit rolls of 1. This is vitally important, Marines tend to have small numbers, and effectively lets you reroll half your misses for unmodified shooting.
While the Captain appears to have a large number off weapon options, only 2 are currently sold individually; Primaris Captain and Primaris Captain in Phobos Armor. Bolt weapons and master crafted power swords are good, but to get great weapons, such as power fists or plasma pistols, you’ll have to hunt down rarer limited edition models or enjoy converting.
A very strong Captain can be found in the Warhammer 40:000 Command and Eilte edition sets. The relic shield adds to his armor save and negates mortal wounds on a 4+ greatly improving his durability. Alternately, the Dark Imperium starter set saw so many copies made, that the Primaris Captain in Gravis Armor is commonly available for trade and sale on secondary markets. His boltstorm gauntlet acts as a power fist in melee while the armor increases his Toughness, Wounds, and Armor Saves.
Second in Command, Primaris Lieutenants

Primaris Lieutenant and Primaris Lieutenant in Phobos Armor
Ah, the lieutenant. Games Workshop made so many different Primaris Lieutenants that Warhammer Community took to joking about it in a Breaking News article and a Top 20 list!
Joking aside, Lieutenants compliment the Captain’s Rites of Battle with their Tactical Precision. Units in their aura reroll to wound rolls of 1. More hits and wounds make for more dead enemies of mankind. Also, where a Captain occupies an single HQ slot, you may take two lieutenants in a single HQ slot.
Similarly, Lieutenants models strongly limit your weapon choices. However, like your Captain, models are readily available as individual packs, the Recruit edition, second hand from the Dark Imperium starter, and may models produced for special events and other Chapters.
Space Wizards! Primaris Librarians

Primaris Librarian and Primaris Librarian in Phobos Armor
Librarians are the only psyker models available to your army. The regular Primaris Librarian uses powers from the Librarius Discipline. Meanwhile a Primaris Librarian in Phobos armor manifests powers from the Obscuration Discipline.
Both Disciplines have strong psychic abilities. However, many from the Obscuration Discipline are only usable on Phobos armored units. Powers drawn from the Librarius Discipline, meanwhile, may be applied to more friendly units. In any case, choose powers you see being of best use for your army and take the appropriate Librarian
By Faith Alone, Chaplains

Primaris Chaplain and Primaris Chplain on Bike
Space Marine Primaris Chaplains are the spiritual leaders of your chapter and combatants on par with Lieutenants. They are available on foot or riding a Bike. Even in a pure infantry force, the Primaris Chaplain on Bike may be the preferred choice. The Bike adds to Movement, Toughness, and Wounds at increased cost. This is also one of the few options for a fast moving HQ character that doesn’t ride in a transport vehicle.
The Spiritual Leader aura shares the 9 Leadership with all nearby units. His Litanies of Battle lets you choose from six useful powerups for nearby units or characters before play begins. Effectively, allowing you to tailor your Chaplain for the foe and battle ahead.
Masters of Machines, Primaris Techmarines

Primaris Techmarine
For vehicle heavy forces, Primaris Techmarines are the HQ’s of choice. Not only do they repair damaged machines, but they may add 1 to the attack rolls of a nearby vehicle.
Additionally, the Primaris Techmarine comes armed with an unique suite of ranged and melee weapons. The forgebolter may fire even if he fires a pistol or throws grenades. The grave-pistol deals additional damage to heavily armored, save 3+, foes. In melee, he may strike four times with his power axe or three times and once with his servo-arm. After those four attacks, his mechadendrites strikes an additional two times.
Primaris Marine HQ in Chapter Command
In your Codex: Space Marines, you’ll find rules for Chapter Command starting on page 98. These rules allow your HQ, and other, characters, represent the leaders of your entire Chapter, not just the company currently deployed. These powerful Primaris Marine HQ upgrades unlock unique Traits, Relics, and abilities. In addition, they frequently improve the central ability of the character. For instance, the Techmarine turned Master of the Forge, heals up to 3 Wounds instead of a D3 Wounds when using Blessing of the Omnissiah.
Entries in this series
Space Marine Primaris Beginners Overview – Your Troop selections and what differentiates Primaris from regular Space Marines.
Primaris Marine Leaders, Your HQs
Best of the Best, Primaris Marine Elites
Lightning Strike, Primaris Fast Attack
Hammers of War, Primaris Heavy Support
Heavy Metal, Primaris Tanks and Transports
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