Wizards of the Coast announced on May23rd, 2023 price increases for new Dungeons & Dragons books. Price changes begin with Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants. Printed D&D books move from an MSRP of $49.95 to $59.95, a nearly 20% increase!
As part of their statement, Wizards of the Coast pledged price increases do not affect backlist books or digital products.
According to the release schedule, the following items change MSRP.
Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants releasing August 15th.

The Practically Complete Guide to Dragons scheduled for August 15th as well.

Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk releasing September 19th.

Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse exploring the Sigil, the Planes, and more on October 17th. Since Planescape is a 3 book multi-set expect a price increase of $30.00 or more over previous releases.

The Deck of Many Things drawing your fate on November 14th.

Wizards of the Coast has not commented on price increases for revised backlist books, such as new versions of the Player’s Handbook in 2024.
Despite the price increases listed here, CMO Games continues to support our discounted rates for RPGs, miniatures, and other products. Check the complete list of D&D products on our store.
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