Warhammer Community dropped a bomb squig this Sunday with the announcement. We’re looking at the rise of a new green tide with the 9th edition Codex, previously limited models, and great new ones. The future belongs to the Orks!

Previously only available in the Beast Snagga Army Set, Codex: Orks returns for general sales. With 61 new and revised datasheets, Crusade rules, Relics, Strategems, Psychic Disciples, and seven ferocious clans (including Freebooterz!), this tome contains everything you’ll need to plan your mighty Waagh!

Now Combat Patrol: Orks makes the best spot to start building your green tide. Packed with fantastic new sculpts the Combat Patrol includes 20 of the new Boyz, 3 Deffkoptas, and a mega-armored Warboss with grot gunner. The Deff Dread isn’t new, but it remains a strong choice for krumpin’ humies, beakies, and all the rest.

Another older model returning for 9th edition, Games Workshop reboxed the Battlewagon with the upgrade sprue needed add a deff rolla, kannon, and Grot mechanic to your favorite rolling fortress.

Beast Snaggas form a welcome addition to any Warboss’s horde. Just as tough as other Orks, Beast Snagga Boys bring a pair of nasty Strength 5 attacks to any melee!

Lead from the front in the Orkiest way possible with the Beastboss. He’s got a power klaw, a right nasty choppa, and more skulls and fur than a Chaos Warrior. A deadly brute force melee combatant, Your Beastboss also projects an aura adding one attack to other Beast Snaggas in tange.

While your boyz advance up the field, those fast and tricksy knife-ears are already taking and scoring objectives. Take along a mob or two of Squighog Boys! With three boys, a Nob on Smasha Squig, and grot guided Bomb Squig they’ll take those spots right back. Make Warbikers jealous!

The character model for the week returns from the depths of the ’90s, Zodgrod Wortsnagga. He’s got the best hair squigs and grots in da biz. His wee boyz perform actions and shoot at the same time. Finally, a grot good for something other than eating.

Our last model for the week, the Big ‘Ed Bossbunka, takes the head of a fallen Great Gargant and turns it into a solid Fortification anchoring your lines. The Bossbunka comes armed with big shootas and the Gaze of Gork. At Strength 9 and -4 AP, Old Bale Eye just got outclassed. The bunker roof gives your Boss a great view of the battle. Finally, the loudspeakers let him yell at all the stupid gits running around. Fun times!

To complete a new Codex launch, we’ll also have Ork Datacards and Ork green dice. Future’s still green!

Preorders post at 12:01am on Saturday, September 4th. We’ll see you then.
PS. The Boss will have to wait a bit on his new Bunka, Games Workshop says they’ve encountered delays. Sorry.
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