The upcoming weekend marks a stellar set of releases from Games Workshop. Topping the list, we find Chapter Approved 2022. The vital matched-play tome for Warhammer 40,000 is closely followed by the long anticipated releases of Death Korps, Kommandos, and Octarius products for Kill Team. Meanwhile, the limited allocation of Necromunda boxes shows GW still hasn’t returned to full manufacturing or shipping capacity.
Chapter Approved

Or more formally, Chapter Approved: War Zone Nachmund Grand Tournamant Pack and Munitorium Field Manual 2022 updates Warhammer 40,000 with 18 missions and an exhaustive listing of points for all manner of units in every Codex. This is the in demand item for competitive players. The continued fine-tuning of point values across the spectrum of units creates a tighter matched play environment. The additional Incursion and Strikeforce missions expand the scope of possible conflicts. Together they create an all new competitive environment to explore.
Kill Team Octarius
When Kill Team: Octarius reinvented 40k Skirmish combat we were promised individual expansions. This week sees that promise fulfilled with 5 new products.

Let’s begin with the Kill Team: Starter Set. This slimmed down box contains all the miniatures and tools needed to begin playing. This box comes with the same fantastic Veteran Guardsmen and Ork Kommandos found in the Octarius box. Alone, the teams are a $115.00 value, but the Starter Set doesn’t end there! A mini Core Rules book contains all the references needed for the games rules and modes of play. Meanwhile, the Recruit book details both kill teams and a step-by-step set of missions to teach you how to play. Plus, all the mats, terrain, templates, and dice needed to get into the zone!
Now, if you’re just after more miniatures for one team or the other, then grab a team box. KIll Team: Veteran Guardsman brings more of the Death Korps of Krieg to your tables. Each box contains 10 guardsmen and a medikit. They assemble in a variety of ways from straight lasgun infantry to a heavily armed Kill Team of dedicated specialists. Meanwhile, the incredible reimagining of Ork Kommandos provides a lethal Kill Team as well as stunning options for your green tide. With flexible sculpts, each Ork assembles into a hard hitting Kommando Boy or a skilled, for Orks, specialist.
Speaking of Orks, Kill Zone: Octarius shows the place they like to call home. Fill your table with hastily converted ruins, slapdash pumps, and mek stockpiles, aka scrap heaps. Altogether this set builds 4 sets of walls, 3 barricades, 3 parts piles, and a single pump. Add some “organization” to this chaos with a Mekboy Workshop.
Finally, there’s Codex – Octarius. The Codex presents complete rules for your Veteran Guardsmen and Ork Kommando Teams. More than model stats, you find background, campaign rules for Spec Ops and Rare equipment, and 9 perilous missions. The release of this Codex gives hope that other season’s books will appear as stand alone runs.
In the plus column, GW has kept up a steady release schedule for Necromunda. On the other hand, release availability is as tight as fresh air in the Underhive. Sadly, there were no changes this week. Keep an eye on their store locations for when restocks occur.

Hive Scum brings more warm bodies to the fight. Whether you’re expanding your existing Underhive Outcasts Gang or hiring some additional muscle for your House gang, this box set comes with 4 eager recruits. Unlike static models in Easy to Build kits, these scummers come with the choice of 10 weapons and 8 different heads.
Speaking of options, Delaque Weapons and Upgrades gives those masters of intrigue even more means of winning an underhanded victory. Ranging from the humble lasgun to advanced grave, plasma, and melta tech you’ll have the right weapon for each job. Plus 10 more alternative heads gives your trenchcoated mafia each a unique look! Round out your customization with a set of scopes.
Finally, use the Underdog Card Pack to even the odds when your gang hasn’t been doing well in the campaign. You’ll get 13 Underdog Tactics usable when you’re 400 or more credits in the hole. These dirty tricks are joined by 12 Gang Tactics cards usable by any gang!
January 29th Releases
These items are available for preorder while supplies last. On January 29th, we’ll change from preorder to regular release. Remaining stocks will go live at that time.
Join us soon for solicitations for the February 5th releases including the triumphant launch of the 9th edition T’au Empire!
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