EDIT: This article has been edited to reflect a more accurate timeline for the implementation of the price increase. The Price updates will be in process over the weekend and will be completed by 12:01 am March 7th. This is to ensure we remain in compliance with GW’s policies.
As you may have already heard, Games Workshop has announced a wave of price increases. The changes affect most of their products, excepting paints, pait sets, brushes, tools, and the majority of Starter Sets. We have been given a list of the price increases to ease our planning for the change. However, it is for use in updating our POS and not for public consumption. Hopefully, GW releases a public list before March 7th,
What I can say, working off their announcement, “In many cases, this will be about 5%. So, as an example of what you can expect on most kits, a box of Space Marine Intercessors will go up just £1 from £35 to £36.* A few things are going up about 10% (e.g. books, scenery, resin miniatures), and there are a couple of outliers (e.g. Blood Bowl teams and metal miniatures) which are going up around 20%.” However, we’re still looking at nearly 400 retail codes increasing from 1% to 9%. Almost another 400 codes jump from 10% to 19%. Finally, 28 codes move up 20% to 25%.
Games Workshop seems to be reporting on their entire product line, since retailers don’t typically stock resins and metals anymore. That throws the most, few, and couple outliers into dispute. While broadly true, there are a great many plastic unit, character, and bundled kits in the 10 to 19 percent band as well as spray paints, books, terrain, and other printed materials. The higher bracket + 20% or more heavily falls on Bloodbowl teams and large terrain bundles. If there’s anything you need, start planning that purchase soon.
As for CMO’s plans for the next few weeks. We will be maintaining our current prices and discounts until the open of business on March 7th. At that time, we’ll initiate a price update to the webstore, simultaneously changing all the affected products. Our discounts will not change, they’ll stay at the 15% level for currently discounted items.
Thank you for your time. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns through our contacts page.
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