Infinite Black plunges beyond human ken once again with the Elder Dice: Shards of Illumination Kickstarter. Launching on August 4th, Infinite Black expands with three sigils of cosmic horror. Your pledge will bring The Seer’s Eye, The Crest of Dagon, and The Crown of the Night Mother to grisly life. Behold, the full, unspeakable details!

Stretch goals aim to bring new permutations of existing sets add Black Amber encasing the Yellow Sign, Dark Sun with the Star of Azathoth nestled within, and Cosmic Jade etched with the Brand of Cthulhu.

They say nothing comes without a cost, but here’s your chance at $500 worth of Elder Dice. Sign up soon, before this opportunity departs.
However, if you don’t want to wait on the turning of the stars, the current full line of Elder Dice is on sale right now at Infinite Black’s webpage. Getting them is easier than summoning a Shoggoth. Much easier…
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