The Disciples of Tzeentch arrive for the latest edition of Age of Sigmar. Preorders begin September 24th with product launching the 1st of October. Begin a month of eldritch sorcery and fated journeys with Tzeentch!
Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch presents a wealth of unit Warscrolls, rules, and exotic lore regarding the Changer of Ways. Everything you need to lead your army into battle.

Warscrolls: Disciples of Tzeentch contains 31 warscroll cards, one for every Endless Spell and unit contained in the Battletome. Additionally, there is a token board with 35 markers to help you track special rules, unit abilities, battle tactics, and grand strategies. Just the thing to keep you from losing your way among the strands of Fate.

Control your fate with a new set of Tzeentchian dice. While the one through five display mundane pips, the every six proclaims your unending loyalty to the Disciples! The dice are dark blue with yellow pips and detailing.

Finally, launch your takeover of the Mortal Realms with a new Vanguard box set. This 27 miniature set brings a Magister on Disc of Tzeentch, 10 Khairic Acolytes, 10 Tzaangors, 3 Flamers, and 3 Screamers of Tzeentch to inaugurate your path to glory. The separate contents of the Vanguard box would total $185.50 if bought separately.

Join us next week for October 8th’s releases from games Workshop
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