Games Workshop scheduled Ashes of Faith for presale this weekend. However, as with previous releases, this big box of Inquisitorial and Cultist goodness will not be available until after launch. Yes, sharp Kill Team allocations prevent us from offering this narrative box on launch! Somebody poke GW. Support Kill Team properly!
Does this mean CMO Games will not have any Ashes of Faith?
No, as we’ve done for every one of the Gallowdark launches, we’ll be ordering more copies as soon as GW permits us. Our “restocks” go in the Thursday before launch. We’ll get as many copies as they let us.
Ok, but when do I order a copy?
In general, we receive restock copies the Wednesday (sometimes) or Thursday (mostly) after launch. Our staff usually updates inventory by 3:00pm EST. Check then!
Why can’t I preorder Ashes of Faith for the week after release?
Unfortunately, GW doesn’t have a consistent number of copies available for Kill Team allocations and restocks. They’ve bounced from one and done to copies being available for weeks after release. Ashes of Faith will be no different. We don’t want to make a promise we can’t keep.
How do we get more copies in the future?
Let GW know you want to see more at your favorite retailers. Contact GW right here.
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Games Workshop Releases for May 27, 2023 and Kill Team: Ashes of Faith
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