Warhammer Community released more nuggets regarding the Maggotkin of Nurgle and Stormcast Dragon releases. We’re going to call this the AoS D&D update for Disease & Dragons!
Maggotkin of Nurgle
From the last online preview we know to expect a Battletome and model this December. What we hadn’t been told was Start Collecting! sets were going to be going in the Combat Patrol direction. Introducing Vanguard, a complete starter army in a box.

From the front of the set I can identify;
1 Spoilpox Scrivener $34.00
2 Pusgoyle Blightlords $65.00
5 Putrid Blightkings $57.00
10 Plaguebearers of Nurgle $36.00
$192.00 Retail Value
Also expected in December, we’ll see if this falls at the expected $140 of a Combat Patrol.
Stormcast Eternals Dragons

The second half of the D&D meme deals with the dragonrider Stormcast Eternals. Expected earlier in the year, a jealous Grandfather Nurgle delayed their arrival until December. Rest assured, there will be dragons for Christmas!
However, the additional time offered by this delay let the Age of Sigmar design team get a few more games under their belt. Turns out the dragons were good, too good, severely undercosted good. A dragon pure army could crush many competitive lists in a single turn of just-better-than average dice rolls. That’s fun, for the Stormcast, but not so much for your opponent. Consequently, they’re getting a rebalance before release.

You’ll still be able to build the all dragon force of your dreams, but there won’t be quite as many as you’d previously thought. You’ll field 8 to 10 Stormdrake Guard depending whether you’re following Krondys, a Drakespawn Templar on Stardrake, or a Knight-Draconis.
Age of Sigmar Balance Update
Age of Sigmar can expect a Balance Update similar to what was done with Warhammer 40K. GW has it scheduled for December as well. They’re focusing on boosting underplayed units. Maybe there’s hope for my Beasts of Chaos still!