Games Workshop, you insufferable tease! Today’s Warhammer Community entitled “New Boxes. New Rules. New Codexes!” teased out a bunch of rules changes and buried the lede!
First, lets deal with the buried lede, New Codexes. At the beginning of the article Games Workshop announced that Necrons and Space Marines, to no one’s surprise, will be the first Codexes. Then they teased bit after bit weapon and model stat changes, which we’ll get to, before announcing the Codexes release month. Not August or September, but October! In the next to last paragraph, October! It better be early, grumble, grumble.
However, for those of you building armies now, you’ll be seeing new rules in Warhammer 40,000’s new-look boxed sets. Like the one below.

And what changes they are…
Heavy Bolters are going to Damage 2.
Flamers and Heavy Flamers are reaching out to a Range of 12″.
Close Range Melta Damage is getting a flat +2 and the Multi-Melta will be Heavy 2.
Powers Swords boost their Strength by +1.
Supercharged Plasma only overheats on an unmodified roll of 1.
The changes are going to apply to ALL factions that use this wargear when Codex: Space Marines drops; Imperial or Chaos and any others that might acquire them going forward.
You’ll see upgrades to Xenos wargear starting with Codex: Necrons.

And expect stat lines to change as well. Games Workshop alluded to beefing up both Deathmarks and Triarch Praetorians, but didn’t supply details. However, you may have already seen something about Marines on the internet… All Marines will have 2 Wounds base (yeah, that means 3 on a Terminator) whether they are Primaris of firstborn. This is going to roll through all the future Codexes so expect Wounds increases to Plague Marines, Rubric Marines, and plain old Heretic Astartes.
I’m looking forward to all my old Marines increasing in durability and getting more granularity and utility with my special and heavy weapons. Keep an eye out for the new boxes and let me know if you find any other changes!
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