As December approaches, so do rumors of great savings for your favorite armies. Newly released, we know the contents of each 2021 Holiday Battleforce. Let’s take a close look at the contents asn see what the retail price of the models are. As ever, Games Workshop holds close to the sale prices. Soon my faithful, soon.

Space Marine Shieldbreaker Strike Force
Has there been a year without Space Marines in a Battleforce? As the flagship army they always get a good looking set. The boys in blue bring to the party;
Space Marine Captain ~$30.00
Bladeguard Veterans $50.00
10 Intercessors $60.00
10 Assault Intercessors $60.00
5 Heavy Intercessors $60.00
Storm Speeder $65.00
$325.00 Retail Value

Adepta Soroitas Purgatos Mission
A small, but fierce, force of Sisters, the Purgatos Mission brings together new and classic Sisters for their Battleforce. With infantry and armor they’re here to purge with;
Sister Dogmata $35.00
5 Celestian Sacresants $55.00
10 Battle Sisters $60.00
Immolator $75.00
Exorcist $80.00
$305.00 Retail Value

Adeptus Mechanicus Omnissiah’s Talon
The Omnissiah’s Talon features fast moving infantry and cavalry with a bodyguard of rangers to protect their Tech-priest. Cogboys included in this set;
Tech-priest Manipulus $35.00
10 Skitarii Rangers $44.00
5 Pteraxii $60.00
5 Rustalkers $49.00
3 Serberys Raiders $60.00
Ironstrider Ballistarii $55.00
$303.00 Retail Value

Death Guard Plaguefester Warband
The infected warriors of Grandfather arrive to share his gifts this winter. Remember to stay upwind and wash your hands often. It may not help, but it’ll make you feel better! THis set features a mix of rock hard infantry and daemon engines.
Champion $30.00
Icon Bearer $30.00
3 Deathshroud Terminators $60.00
7 Plague Marines $50.00
3 Myphitic Blight-haulers $75.00 ($25.00 each)
Plagueburst Crawler $65.00
$310.00 Retail Value

Necron Worldscour Legion
Arising from a slumber of aeons, this Necrons really need a good coffee. Otherwise they’re grumpy for the first hundred years or so. This now sleepless legion will scour the world for a good cuppa with;
Psychomancer cryptek $35.00
10 Necron Warriors and 3 Scarab Swarms $45.00
Lokhust Heavy Destroyer $35.00
3 Ophydian Destroyers $55.00
5 Flayed Ones $50.00
2 Canoptek Doomstalkers $80.00 ($40.00 each)
$300.00 Retail Value

Orks Killdakka Warband
The Orks are here for a holiday party. If you don’t have the right brand of fungus beer though you might get krumped. Even if you do they’ll probably krump you for the fun of it anyway. Who’s coming to the party?
Boss on Deffkilla Wartrike $50.00
Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun $37.00
Dakkajet $75.00
5 Nobz $34.00
20 Boyz ~$72.00 (based on 2 Boyz boxes equivalents)
10 Gretchin with Runtherd (none of whom is the Red Gobbo!) $18.00
$286.00 Retail Value

Soulblight Gravelords Revenant Legion
Not content with a simple party, the Soulblight Gravelords are bringing enough bodies to make a holiday parade! Join in with their festive moaning and groaning. It’s not like they’ll give you a choice. YOur cavalcade comprises the following;
Vengorian Lord $60.00
5 Blood Knights $60.00
20 Deathrattle Skeletons $60.00
40 Deadwalker Zombies $110.00 ($55.00 each)
$290.00 Retail Value

Hedonites of Slaanesh Sybarite Blade-Carnival
Parties, festival parade, just join the cavalcade! The party never ends with the debauched followers of the Prince of Excess. Let’s see who’s here for a great time;
Shardspeaker $30.00
3 Slaangor Bloodfiends $50.00
10 Blissbarb Archers $50.00
5 Exalted Seekers $65.00
10 Myrmirdesh Painbringers / Symbraesh Twinsouls $60.00
$255.00 Retail Value

Lumineth Realm-Lords Vanari Shining Host
Wielding the magic of Hysh, none bring light to the darkest nights of the year quite like Luminath Realm-Lords. Leading us past the solstice are;
Vanari Lord Regent $55.00
Vanari Bannerblade $35.00
10 Vanari Auralan Wardens $60.00
5 Vanari Bladelords $60.00
5 Vanari Dawnriders $60.00
Starshard Ballistan $50.00
$320.00 Retail Value

Ossiarch Bonereapers Mortisan Tithe-Echelon
It can’t be all joy at the holiday. Not when the Ossiarch Bonereapers are here to take and take and take…. Let’s see who’s going to spoil the fun;
Mortisan Boneshaper $30.00
Mortisan Soulreaper $30.00
20 Mortek Guard $60.00
3 Necropolis Stalkers (or Immortis Guard) $50.00
Gothizzar Harvester $50.00
Mortek Crawler $80.00
$300.00 Retail Value

Rohan Stronghold
And finally we’re at the place for this festivale. Welcome to Middle-Earth and the Rohan Stronghold. Somehow I don’t think the it’ll be around after the fun. The battlefield consists of;
6 Rohan Houses $252.00 ($42.00 each)
2 Rohan Watchtower & Pallisades sets $146.00 ($73.00 each)
$398.00 Retail Value
2021 Holiday Battleforces
That’s it for the evaluations. Looks like GW was shooting for $300 in retail value for most sets. While some underdshot and some went way over, ultimately it depends on the battleforce price tag. However, I think we can all agree on one thing. If you’re favorite army has a battleforce, then you’ll be a winner in savings!
Watch for prices in December!