Today, Warhammer Community dropped an announcement for Games Workshop new releases in 2021.
In short, the new release schedule will shift from weekly to every fortnight, i.e. every two weeks, for the months of January and February. The first preorders for 2021 begin on January 16th.
Warhammer 40,000 fans can expect a new Codex and model drop every month from January to March. Death Guard are getting the first launch window. I expect Drukhari to get the February launch. As to what’s coming in March, the warp is silent.
Age of Sigmar should expect their new Battletome and model release in February. Games Workshop promises our first sneak peek on Christmas Day. I’m expecting the new Hedonites of Slaanesh we’ve been seeing previewed.
For the full article on Games Workshop new release updates continue below or click here to visit Warhammer Community.

It’s fair to say that 2020 has been a tempestuous year for all of us… and it’s still presenting challenges that are going to stretch into next year. The ongoing impact of Covid-19 around the world, and the UK’s changing relationship with the EU, mean that we’re making some adjustments in the short-term.
As with many other businesses, Covid-19 has had an impact on Games Workshop’s retail stores, factories, and the global shipping routes that we rely on to get shiny Warhammer stuff into your hands. It probably won’t come as a surprise that orders made throughout the remainder of December and January will take a little longer than normal to reach you.
Good news – Warhammer fans in the EU won’t have to pay more for our products in-store or online as we head into the new year. While the details of the UK’s future relationship with the EU are still being worked out, Games Workshop will shoulder any customs and duties fees that apply to your order.
What does all this mean for new Warhammer releases?
2021 promises to be an amazing year, packed full of rad Warhammer releases – with something new and exciting arriving every month. That said, the global situation means Warhammer releases in January and February will be lighter than in recent years.
Rather than weekly, you’ll see new releases every fortnight, with the first pre-orders of 2021 on the 16th of January.
If you’re a Warhammer 40,000 fan, you’ll see a new codex or expansion every month in January, February, and March starting with the Death Guard – Nurgle, bless ’em, they have waited a long time…
For Warhammer Age of Sigmar fans, you’ll see the next new battletome (and a bunch of incredible minis) drop in February. Trust us, this one’s a doozy – we’ll even give you a sneak peek on Christmas day!*
Stay safe and have a Merry Christmas.
– The Warhammer Community Team
* Worried you’ll miss the big news in between mince pies and presents? Subscribe to our newsletter and we’ll send you a heads-up as soon as the article drops.
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